I made this website to practice using WordPress along with creating a space for sharing my hobbies and interests. I have a lot of interests and wanted a place to share them.

Some interests and hobbies

I have a few things that I am randomly interested in and others that I have a constant interest in. The list below will mainly be the ones that have kept my interest.


I have grown up using technology of various kinds. I didn’t have the very beginnings of tech, but I also didn’t grow up with an ipad and phone in hands.

I like to keep up with what is new and try my hand at some things like coding.


I have enjoyed doing craft projects mainly focusing on sewing, knitting, and crocheting.

I want to share some of the things that I have tried to make and if I didn’t just come up with the idea on the spot, I can share how I made them.


I have been interested in playing musical instruments as well as listening to music.

The main instruments that I play are the piano, and bass guitar.